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Full Version: Veteran Singapore actor Tang Hu dies in hospital, aged 85
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Good actor , he always act tiko or sometime bad guy role.
He acted very well. Indeed hv a long and fruitful life. R.I.P.
Not everyone can die peacefully.

死于病痛,其实是可以避免。 crying
he was my barber in 1970 when i was 5yrs old in lengkok bahru blk 57
(15-11-2023, 03:48 PM)Blin Wrote: [ -> ]Indo got sell oneway pill.

Cannot commit suicide.
You will go to 阿鼻地狱(无间狱),永不超生。
(15-11-2023, 03:38 PM)singaporean1964 Wrote: [ -> ]he was my barber in 1970 when i was 5yrs old in lengkok bahru blk 57

That area quite old. When I crossed the road from Blk 75 to that area, it is like entering a different era.
long life le
85 is long enough can go liao. Yaw Shin Leong not yet cross 50 mati so rugi at least 35 years to him. Maybe both can meet each other in the other world and talk about it.
ho mia liao
[Image: rip.gif]
Sad.....why must homo sapiens die?
After toiling and accumulating all the cash and wealth can't bring along.
(15-11-2023, 04:45 PM)hansamu Wrote: [ -> ]Sad.....why must homo sapiens die?
After toiling and accumulating all the cash and wealth can't bring along.

That is why I keep searching the way to live forever. Ancient China Emperor did also. So far none succeeded. I hope I can make it.
(15-11-2023, 03:38 PM)singaporean1964 Wrote: [ -> ]he was my barber in 1970 when i was 5yrs old in lengkok bahru blk 57

You should be 59 years now Thinking
(15-11-2023, 04:53 PM)p1acebo Wrote: [ -> ]You should be 59 years now Thinking

His nick got 1964

85 is a well earned ripe old age.
He already outlived his CPF Life and over the life expectancy of SG.
(15-11-2023, 05:50 PM)sgh Wrote: [ -> ]His nick got 1964

Do you know he technically is classified a boomer?  We think boomers are lau kok unkers in their 70s and 80s.

But no, in worldwide accepted terms, boomers are from 1946 - 1964 Laughing
Break even for CPF FRS Standard Plan is about 84. So he benefit 1 more year.