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Full Version: Israel agrees to ‘very limited and short’ cease-fire if Hamas releases
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Israel agrees to ‘very limited and short’ cease-fire if Hamas releases ‘massive’ number of hostages

Israeli National Security Council Chairman Tzachi Hanegbi warned that the freeing of a substantial number of the roughly 240 people still being held cannot be a "manipulative release" or exploited for public relations, according to the Times of Israel.
problem is there noone to release

US debt clock
per taxpayer
[Image: Screenshot-from-2023-11-18-06-29-47.png]
Bank excess reserves
so far only one bank silicon valley bank went down a cannary bird in the mine
interest rate 5.25~5.5%
Slaves dyfunctional u can try lowering rates to help them if at all possible
You have in Gaza the zionists hate the Gazans
U have the whites hate the Blacks in UK and Europe Aus etc distant between is not 1 metre it is 1400yrs