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Singapore’s public hospital bed crunch: Are radical solutions needed?

Some patients have waited hours, even days, for a hospital bed. The programme Talking Point hears their stories and finds out that things have got worse since last year as it explores what can be done to ease the problem.
(26-11-2023, 03:20 PM)Stoki Wrote: [ -> ]Singapore’s public hospital bed crunch: Are radical solutions needed?

Some patients have waited hours, even days, for a hospital bed. The programme Talking Point hears their stories and finds out that things have got worse since last year as it explores what can be done to ease the problem.

over population
For those not urgent cases, the hospital or insurance company should pay the patients to rest at home rather than the hospitals. In this way, 50% of the beds can be released for more urgent cases.
Why still short of beds when they already taken over many charities hospitals and nursing homes.? Every time they raise GST they say is for increasing health care and aging population???
Corvid the main cause?
May be too many cases of heart and stroke cases after mRNA vaccines.   

Izzit the case?   

This is confirmation sign that the island is over populated  and almost bursting. The infrastructures like hospitals and poly clinics are unable to cope with the number of patients. Thanks to PAP again.   Big Grin
(26-11-2023, 03:20 PM)Stoki Wrote: [ -> ]Singapore’s public hospital bed crunch: Are radical solutions needed?

Some patients have waited hours, even days, for a hospital bed. The programme Talking Point hears their stories and finds out that things have got worse since last year as it explores what can be done to ease the problem.

Slowly wait lah! Big Grin Ban Ban Tan and Tan KuKu lah!
Too many people ...not enough medical services.
steve chia didnt know we r no.1?
I gave my suggestion a year ago

That idiot Gan KY have not improved A&E

nor made plans for Auxillary Hospitals?

It must be able to divert 30% of the A & E away

We can use 3 Ridout Bungalows to build a new hospital!
(26-11-2023, 05:04 PM)menghuii Wrote: [ -> ]steve chia didnt know we r no.1?

He just wants to prove it right lah! Big Grin Now see what Mr Ong Ye Kung has to say lah!
(26-11-2023, 03:54 PM)Stoki Wrote: [ -> ]For those not urgent cases, the hospital or insurance company should pay the patients to rest at home rather than the hospitals. In this way, 50% of the beds can be released for more urgent cases.

They may implement this suggestion. Wanna bet?