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Full Version: I never know those HR recruit agency also work like Property agent style?
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wow got what award this award
[Image: job.jpg]
Those fellas don't have a BBA or BHRM lar.

The firm hires a bunch of them, pays them a basic salary and a commission based on the number of workers hired by the recruiting clients 

To try to earn as much commission as possible, they will tell you to come down for "interview". When you go there, you are given a form to fill up and the "interview" is officially over. You can go home 

Next, they'll send your details to every company that's in their database, say a prayer for you to get hired for them to get their commission, and at the same time canvas for business for Observer's daughter to earn more commission.  Laughing
Same same ....all koyok snake oil sales people
(04-12-2023, 11:51 AM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: [ -> ]wow got what award this award
[Image: job.jpg]

How many are local born sinkies in it?
(04-12-2023, 12:02 PM)Oyk Wrote: [ -> ]Laughing loves CECA penïses
Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord-KILLjoy thy God in vain