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Full Version: HDB homeowner regrets renting room to woman who brings
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HDB homeowner regrets renting room to woman who brings back boyfriend for 'hanky panky stuff'
Very easy wat.  

Just have a clause in the tenancy agreement "No visitor allowed".  

Or insert clause landlord can also do same same to tenant as per what her visitor does Big Grin
Or complaint could be ah soh auntie who is not getting any Thinking
Obeegood. Rotfl
Live with owner is like that
Got to show respect.
Outsiders walking with only a towel over body is unpleasant sight to them
Like his flat is a brothel anytime bring home man to sleep

If rented room to a couple it’s different scenario
this owner stupid
I rent out 25 yrs
Likely must have paid her extra rental fees monthly. 
Or else,  who in the right frame of mind can tolerate such nonsense.
In before Oyk's daughter.
(05-12-2023, 08:07 AM)Bigiron Wrote: [ -> ]HDB homeowner regrets renting room to woman who brings back boyfriend for 'hanky panky stuff'

homeowner hear the passionate moans and cries...............cannot tahan, is it ? Big Grin
The house owner is now in a very difficult situation. The tenant likely to ignore him, worse if refused to pay or even end up with quarrels and fights

Nothing could he do if the tenancy was not legal, or the unit may be confiscated
Can report transpassing?