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交友网站遇爱情骗子 女审计师损失6万元
Study so many books still kena? So I guess in the first place why study so much education?
(05-12-2023, 06:49 PM)sgh Wrote: [ -> ]Study so many books still kena? So I guess in the first place why study so much education?

Quote:28岁女子在本地交友网站Coffee Meets Bagel上结识精英男,认识不到两周被诱导投资赚利息,三天内转了6万元,甚至不惜向四家银行贷款,如今血汗钱打水漂,报警追究。
😱 😱
an auditor means a graduate in accountancy so easily be conned
she did not disc w friends n colleagues
or the magic of love blinded her