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Full Version: able to have cats in HDB flats, but there’s a burning question that we all have.
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In 2024, we will finally be able to have cats in HDB flats, but there’s a burning question that we all have. Here's what it is:

True, it's stupid to allow dogs but not cats.
This was discrimination by some pap idiot.

As stupid as banning bubble gum but not cigarettes.
(08-12-2023, 09:14 PM)Alice Alicia Wrote: [ -> ]True, it's stupid to allow dogs but not cats.
This was discrimination by some pap idiot.

As stupid as banning bubble gum but not cigarettes.

yeah loh

should also ban panty and sanitary pad
[Image: download.jpg]
Everybody should have two cats, I have one, my wife also has one.
Election gimmick
(08-12-2023, 09:57 PM)ODA TETSURO Wrote: [ -> ][Image: download.jpg]
Everybody should have two cats, I have one, my wife also has one.

He didn’t know it’s illegal to have cats in HDB? With photo evident yet no action taken?
cats are difficult to contain within the house?

then shut the FOOking door lah
(09-12-2023, 07:25 AM)wendychan Wrote: [ -> ]cats are difficult to contain within the house?

then shut the FOOking door lah
Last time windows were along the common corridor, so meow meow will happy happy sneaked in.

Then when they in heat, it can be mistake as baby cry and resulted in false arm. The old man and his team have got their reasons to ban, now his son and his team, do I need to spell them out?
Dog 🐶 see neighbour’s cat bark bark!
Cats 🐱 meow Meow !tail up, chase around the corridors
Play catching..
(09-12-2023, 10:04 AM)Buffybuffy Wrote: [ -> ]Last time windows were along the common corridor, so meow meow will happy happy sneaked in.

Then when they in heat, it can be mistake as baby cry and resulted in false arm. The old man and his team have got their reasons to ban, now his son and his team, do I need to spell them out?

windows cannot close? or mesh?
Now blue cat Jin happy. Since housing dog development give permission
(09-12-2023, 11:27 AM)wendychan Wrote: [ -> ]windows cannot close? or mesh?
You keep meow meow at the expense of others have to close or mesh their window?