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Eighty-one hostages have been released by Hamas since the start of the truce on Friday November 25. Their testimonies give a first idea of their conditions of detention. Many speak of a lack of food, difficult nights and limited access to care but no physical violence.

“We slept on chairs, as if we were waiting in a hospital, without mattresses,” she reported to Israeli channel Channel 13, while the boys slept on the floor under benches.

The ex-hostage also explained that he lived in darkness. “It was stuffy, it was forbidden to open the curtains ,” she described.

Insufficient food supplies from Gaza blockade

Ruth Munder specifies that she was sufficiently fed at first. “Chicken with rice” and “all kinds of preserves and cheese” were served to them, as well as tea morning and evening. The children were also entitled to treats.

“We ate the same thing as them ,” said the first during a press conference in Tel Aviv. A diet based on pita bread, cheese and cucumber, “the meal of the day” . Thomas Hand, the father of former Israeli-Irish hostage Emily, confirmed to CNN that the hostages “always had breakfast, sometimes lunch, and sometimes dinner.”

The octogenarian notably had access to the requested medications, in addition to having received medical visits every two days.

They were also moved several times during their detention, she clarified. “No one hit us ,” young Emily Hand told her father.