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Full Version: Singapore : Man force feed teen with vodka then raped her
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No IQ score was given...haha
He not nus student, so cannot give discount Laughing
(18-11-2021, 09:10 AM)Sharexchange Wrote: [ -> ]No IQ score was given...haha

True, he shud go get an IQ test by psychologists and purposely fail it miserably. May be can be freed with no.punishment ...... Big Grin
Very silly to rape. Muhammad Alif should be a suicide bomber, join isis, will be rewarded with 72 pretty and sexy virgins. Dont believe me, ask those ularmak from bolehland. He can screw till no tomorrow.
low IQ? seems a new trend ... maybe low IQ people kenna rotan feel nothing at all wahahaha....
(18-11-2021, 09:17 AM)p1acebo Wrote: [ -> ]He not nus student, so cannot give discount Laughing

SIM student how much dissscount
Walaneh..........we have to foot the bill for his holiday at Changi chalet.
(18-11-2021, 08:17 AM)BigBossX Wrote: [ -> ]

24 strokes of the cane will have a 'lasting impression" on his buttocks.... Angry
28 years and 24 strokes. Might as well let him choose whether he wants a death sentence.
(18-11-2021, 10:57 AM)starbugs Wrote: [ -> ]28 years and 24 strokes. Might as well let him choose whether he wants a death sentence.

Sprinkle sea salts lagi best
knn, geylang $50 settle, rape for 30 years jail?

i think he is mentally retarded, should be set free and lock up in IMH
Should increase the number of strokes of the rotan.
That’s almost a death sentence.