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Full Version: Bitcoin fails to hold above $44K ...Elisabeth Warren's wants to kill it...
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Your Paylah works faster and cheaper than Bitcoin. At the end of the day itsa gambling chip with no further utility for mankind except speculation and maybe some criminal money transfers....of course all these does not mean speculators cannot push ut to 100K in fits plof speculative frenzy.

It's hard to die completely because many will like to bet and this is human nature.

But if old Congress aunty's has her way she will kill it off and banish it yo dustbin of ponzis.
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[Image: NxllGwE.jpg]
(13-12-2023, 01:28 PM)FartSunKing Wrote: [ -> ]Bitcoin is for your generation to become multi millionaires

You should have embraced Bitcoin instead of shunning it

Okay can put your money where your mouth is and start buying....