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Full Version: sad Le Le going back China
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Saw this post late. It seem panda only exist in China and hence it is so called very protected. All pandas are on loan basis to other countries including Spore. Contract also state if baby panda is to be born outside of China it is to be sent back to China. Unless China out of some goodwill decide to give it to the country forever.

Now I got a question. Kangaroo also only exist in Australia and New Guinea. Why isn't kangaroo given the same special treatment as panda? I surf and notice the population of kangaroo number in the millions maybe that explains why. So one way to make kangaroo same status as panda is to do mass culling to reduce their population to a few thousands perhaps and viola kangaroo is as precious as panda. Logical?
You marry le le so she can stay with you
(14-12-2023, 05:16 PM)pinkpanther Wrote: [ -> ]You marry le le so she can stay with you

? If panda got eternal life I will transfer their life upon me so I can be immortal.
What to do? 
There was a story behind.
Becos of Chao Ang Moh irresponsibility lor.

China becomes very particular.
No more giving panda to any country.
Only rental and the panda cub must return to China.
(14-12-2023, 05:55 PM)RiseofAsia Wrote: [ -> ]What to do? 
There was a story behind.
Becos of Chao Ang Moh irresponsibility lor.

China becomes very particular.
No more giving panda to any country.
Only rental and the panda cub must return to China.

If i not mistaken China got give to one country , that is Japan last time. Due to politics.
How come the panda died in US zoo was also called LeLe?
Planted with covid...better sent back