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Full Version: 9 signs someone is being passive-aggressive, according to psychology
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9 signs someone is being passive-aggressive, according to psychology

1) They often use sarcasm
2) They tend to give backhanded compliments
3) They often exhibit or play procrastination games
4) They frequently play the victim
5) They’re experts at the silent treatment
6) They make you question your own perception(gaslighting)
7) They tend to express negativity through body language
8) They’re often excessively late
9) They use ambiguous language( deep bombastic words)
(15-12-2023, 03:35 PM)Bigiron Wrote: [ -> ]9 signs someone is being passive-aggressive, according to psychology
1) They often use sarcasm
2) They tend to give backhanded compliments
3) They often exhibit or play procrastination games
4) They frequently play the victim
5) They’re experts at the silent treatment
6) They make you question your own perception(gaslighting)
7) They tend to express negativity through body language
8) They’re often excessively late
9) They use ambiguous language( deep bombastic words)

The above describes my former CEO to a "T".  Wow!