SG Talk

Full Version: Look look at amdk arse lickers stooge’s
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Pages: 1 2
Many Asian still have white traxhes wet dreams …. why?
TS is the real fannylai?
(17-12-2023, 03:49 PM)Omnipresent88 Wrote: [ -> ]

[Image: 202105hongkong-national-security-law-long-apple.webp]

Poor ahtiong why becum hjzg?

(17-12-2023, 05:58 PM)Omnipresent88 Wrote: [ -> ]

[Image: Joshua-Wong-2019.jpg]

From his evil look 😈 is he vietkong?

[Image: Joshua-Wong-2019.jpg]

His cpfoa duno got 20k or not?
Pages: 1 2