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Full Version: Blood Brothers: Palestinians and Jews Share Genetic Roots - Science & Health
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Like ah tiong, taiwa, ermaos, lai pengsai, lai jiasai, ....
Only true for the Middle Eastern Jews who have been living with Arabs for generations (many Jews converted to Islam over the generations)

And certainly not true of the European Ashkenazis the likes of Netanyahu and Gallant who dont even look like they are from middle east
(21-12-2023, 08:22 AM)Simplemen Wrote: [ -> ]Only true for the Middle Eastern Jews who have been living with Arabs for generations (many Jews converted to Islam over the generations)

And certainly not true of the European Ashkenazis the likes of Netanyahu and Gallant who dont even look like they are from middle east

The truth is,
(1) When Moses left Palestine 2000 years ago not all the Jews followed him to Europe 
(2) Those ancient Jews who didn’t leave later became Muslims, so some percentage of Palestinians have bloodline to ancient Jews 
(3) On the other hand, only 25% of Israelis are descendants of ancient Jews and Jews returning homeland from Europe and elsewhere. 75% of the population are Jewish by religion meaning they have no bloodline with ancient Jews, they are non-Jews who are worshiping Judaism 
(4) According to Jewish rule, the person will be classified as a Jew if his mother is Jewish. However later on Israel allows those people whose father is Jewish to be Jews. Finally Israel allows all the other non-Jews to settle down in Israel as long as they worship Judaism, as a result huge number of non Jews fromEurope migrated to Israel and become Israeli citizens.

Isn’t that ironic? Israelis mistreat and kill Palestinians including some descendants of ancient Jews while 3/4 of these Israelis are fake Jews?