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Full Version: SG’s Covid spike may be peaking, but don’t stop vaccinating, health minister says
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they can't stop
need to hang some.
all of them in the scam.
just by their words u know them.
know we r beginning to wakeup
wat they say scrutiny their words:
SG’s Covid spike may be peaking, but don’t stop vaccinating
like this u cannot escape
RNA enveloped in lipids meaning the poison is the RNA
and then Fauci HIV patent will do the rest
[Image: Screenshot-from-2023-12-22-03-59-35.png]
(22-12-2023, 07:50 AM)theold Wrote: [ -> ]

I already received a WA msg from telling me to wear a mask in crowded places, stay at home if unwell, and not to go near vulnerable people and GET THE LATEST VACCINE inside of me if the last one was more than 12 months ago.

Don't try to be a smart aleck.

Are you smarter than all the health authorities around the world?

Clearly no.

Please go get the latest vaccine. Tongue
They r in cahoots not they r stupid
they think U stupid.
Pro mRNA fanbois who didn't get the latest jab...

Stop acting blur and go get the latest jab now Tongue
(22-12-2023, 09:31 AM)Geneco Wrote: [ -> ]Pro mRNA fanbois who didn't get the latest jab...

Stop acting blur and go get the latest jab now Tongue

Boh lan yong vaccine, who still want to jab?
Go for the traditional vaccine is safer.
There are many options now.
Jab for fun is it?

Or already bought thousands and thousands of vaccines, so need to use them by hook or by crook?
And then how to treat U nice so many leftover
u think really i out to save you from some monsters?
Now, left, right and centre also can hear people cough
with this type of 'climateChanged' no lungs irritation difficult
anyway the Jap is ready for urArm
no shake kiongHeeHuatchai angBao chileilie storm is another when seriou
find urself being pump oxygen thinking variant is the cause only dat person know he cannot breathe
lung checked lung white called white lungs blood cells DEAD when cleaning req STORM defenders attacked anything move.
Will vaccinate if PM Lee and ongyekung also vaccinated live on TV.
we know many hands tricks
just make sure ur is from the same batch safer.
check batch number and recor.
after anything repor adverse u can refer to the batches which one TOX which one saline and so on
we want safe and effective not shake and mati
(22-12-2023, 09:45 AM)RiseofAsia Wrote: [ -> ]Boh lan yong vaccine, who still want to jab?
Go for the traditional vaccine is safer.
There are many options now.
Need to encourage the mouth very hard and guai lan pro vaxxers to go and take first...

Cause they say safe and effective mah... Tongue

They scared simi?
Cardiovascular diseases are now the leading cause of death globally, and its largest contributing factors are the terrible

"three highs" (high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and high blood cholesterol).

Hypertension, hyperglycemia, and hyperlipidemia are becoming more prevalent in modern society, and the incidence of these conditions is also trending towards younger age groups.

What can we do to effectively prevent the three highs?

Let introduce a method that could reverse the three highs, even if one has suffered from them for many years! This is a very important lesson!

心脑血管疾病已成为人类死亡的 “头号杀手”,而最大的病因,就是可怕的三高!



(22-12-2023, 03:28 PM)Geneco Wrote: [ -> ]Need to encourage the mouth very hard and guai lan pro vaxxers to go and take first...

Cause they say safe and effective mah... Tongue

They scared simi?
SAVE!..just on time... Clapping
So many people dropping dead

Yet MOH is reporting the cause of death

Still want to take risk?
This is the 3rd or 4th peak  and will not be the last either.
(29-12-2023, 11:25 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote: [ -> ]SAVE!..just on time... Clapping

No need to save the Pro-vaxxers and Pro-VDS one...


GET THE mRNA jab nao! Tongue

OYK say 1 year never jab ish same risk as UNVAX le...

don't tell me all the pro-vaxxers is smarter than all the health authorities combined or are doctors...  Tongue
Vaccine also kena so many times
What the point leh
Pro-vaxxers and Pro-VDS kias, where is the GPGT of your latest mRNA safe and effective jab? Tongue

you mean you want to have same risk as UNVAX as per OYK...

you mean you smarter than all the health authorities combined or are doctors meh? Tongue
(31-12-2023, 02:43 PM)SeewhatLook Wrote: [ -> ]Vaccine also kena so many times
What the point leh
Some like me kana 3 times, has to hospital for stroke, me bro kana 4th times, kana open operation on the body to stop the serious stroke, almost took his life...
Me still kena Covid once since July updated vaccination, no masks.