SG Talk

Full Version: Drone Strikes Ship with 20 Indians off Gujarat, Coast Guard makes contact
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supply chains are now in danger
Matter will spread.
Drones can take out shipping
And Insurance rate will climb affecting Bankings
...and meanwhile at the UN, the Americans are finding themselves increasingly isolated and cornered by US gov failure to rein-in the Rouge state of Israel.

USA vs the 98% of the World
[Image: 5bbcy2hTkHa1XlzzacBGdKI_5YOo9VjvGsBXinaD...aX3Ik7Dpt0]
Do Singapore have how many this type of drones ? Why train so many F15 oversea ?
Even the drone can smell them.
drone struck
[Image: Screenshot-2023-12-24-at-16-07-37-Drone-...akes-c.png]