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Full Version: Japan hands over air radar system to Philippines
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Japan has formally handed over an air surveillance radar system to the Philippines, the first export of a complete defense product since its long-held arms trade ban was eased in 2014.

"These (radar systems) are important because we will be able to see intrusions in our air space from as far as 300 nautical miles," Teodoro said at a ceremony held at a former U.S. military base, adding the Philippines can now "get a clearer picture" of any intrusions "not just in the West Philippine Sea but also in other parts" of the country.

The South China Sea is locally called the West Philippine Sea.
World war 2 radar?
The Philippines armed forces is pathetic and utilizes generations old equipment and vehicles. Can’t do jack about China 😂
Stewpig pinocchio
Radar without a good air defence system is useless. It's like a magnet attracting its enemies to bomb it.