SG Talk

Full Version: They're musicians but soldiers too
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iirc 2 gun (Jack Neo) also from the SAF music and drama company.
Redundant, waste taxpayers money to employ these jiak liao bee to play music.
Pay strippers to strip and dance naked maybe can boost the morale and performances of the soldiers!
These saf musicians can send them to play for those funerals!
(31-12-2023, 08:08 AM)K88 shu shu Wrote: [ -> ]iirc 2 gun (Jack Neo) also from the SAF music and drama company.

I think that shorty every Friday on Ch 8 Golden Age Competition also. Remember last ever watch the SAF performance and saw one guy look like him.    Big Grin
(31-12-2023, 08:08 AM)K88 shu shu Wrote: [ -> ]iirc 2 gun (Jack Neo) also from the SAF music and drama company.

Same as Marcus chin.