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Full Version: ADMIN, can we delete our posts after posting?
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Is  this possible, Admin?
Testing... press the cross button
[Image: Screenshot-20211121-015335-Samsung-Internet.jpg]
Is he referring to his own created threads?

YES. Otherwise, how Jac Lau can manage to delete all his own threads?
Yah, why not? I did it many times
you have to be fast.

if someone quoted your post, then you can't delete.
(21-11-2021, 10:01 AM)drgn Wrote: [ -> ]you have to be fast.

if someone quoted your post, then you can't delete.
Yeah.  That’s right. Alternatively, you can request that person to delete his post. But, this wud be arduous task.
(21-11-2021, 10:01 AM)drgn Wrote: [ -> ]you have to be fast.

if someone quoted your post, then you can't delete.

But if you start the thread, can delete all, even if someone quote.

For individual posts, can get sabo by others who quote you as you cannot delete the guy's posts, of course.

Ah Jac always delete posts and threads.  Maybe he kena sabo before
(21-11-2021, 12:26 AM)Sentinel Wrote: [ -> ]Is  this possible, Admin?

you can delete on your own, no need help from Admin lah.
Wah I just deleted my own post.

Last old forum can do this or not ah?
(21-11-2021, 10:24 PM)Sentinel Wrote: [ -> ]Wah I just deleted my own post.

Last old forum can do this or not ah?

all forums can.