SG Talk

Full Version: Lazada’s layoffs raise questions on responsible retrenchment practices
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poor business
no money to pay staff
still got time to be 'responsible' ah

if sg govt go bankrupt
all the ministers will stay back becos of 'responsible' for the country?think they wont ffuck care
no salary who want to be 'responsible'
Dola bankcrupt
trade settlement problem
Long Beach Empty for 4yrs olady
All pretend Union ; Lazada ; Gov.
even CNA for ex waiting for Fed to lower interest rates
reali Dola has to bounce from Bond risks to currency risks constantly from one end to the other
How do u check singlion kongs Bo pianWAY?
check Port empty if not Unclesam can pay and China fills port up.
Boys and girls study hard be reali smart not half past 6
Sam now want to go into urHouse to check without a warrant
Shame on YOU.

u still on one hand ON te Other
after te Zionists pak s luTOXchamsSImati
It means when ministers got retrenched they must be paid responsibly.
nak nak nak here the pro. Jim the golden jackass singlion knows him from Golden Eagle Gold Bullions days.

China not filling up Unclesam port at Long Beach
boss of cos look after their own pocket rather give employees.
I recall DFS had retrenchment that stirred issues and there could be many more not in the news. The weakness of this Govt is that it represents their own Ministry and Stat Boards only.