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Most of moi sinkie bu colleagues with foreign spouses also wanted to keep dual citizenship for their kids, even those married to AMDK one. It seem most that komplain and against this are actually sinkie guys, so not really a surprise. Sad
Matter of time
The OYK/Dan romance will be mentioned and featured there
This issue is not new. The other way round also happen. Jiuhu parents got boys in Spore school when near age 18 they hope to have both citizenship but boys no need serve NS. Basically best of both worlds lar. But some of them are modern thinking they drill into their boys need serve Spore NS as Spore provide them education so duty to serve is honour. I emphasized is modern day younger jiuhu parents not the Msia old fashioned parents that say good boy don't be soldier.
Scan thru the whole article didn't find sgtalk mention
Where is AWARE when these women needed them?

Just yesterday at Gateway sushi express, saw a local SPG with and AMDK. The SPG eat sushi also must out her hand in between the legs of the AMDK. Don’t know is scare he runs away of helping him with something.
(14-01-2024, 06:52 PM)Bigiron Wrote: [ -> ]Scan thru the whole article didn't find sgtalk mention

Ms Johansson’s appeal went on to be discussed on the SG Talk forum, most commenters wrote they are against dual citizenship.

One wrote, “Singapore (is) so small, dual citizenship will flood our island in no time. No responsibility and accountability in GE voting. That’s dangerous.”
(14-01-2024, 07:35 PM)pinkpanther Wrote: [ -> ]Ms Johansson’s appeal went on to be discussed on the SG Talk forum, most commenters wrote they are against dual citizenship.

One wrote, “Singapore (is) so small, dual citizenship will flood our island in no time. No responsibility and accountability in GE voting. That’s dangerous.”

Sg talk not sgtalk...oic I miss that out