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Full Version: Police report filed against PIP Holdings, director disappears with money
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Course peddler who claimed to own 100 property and 20 businesses.

Like all course peddlers what they teach is useless and out to con your money with over priced courses and useless methods.

[Image: uuMBDqs.jpg]

[Image: 6Sl0NTa.jpg]
He's holding a MDA ie 
Master of Disappearing Act
Another day another scam in Singapore.

Category of scammers
1. Get rich quick schemes.
2. Options trading gurus - nothing they teach work...not a single to thing
3. Investment gurus who sell courses. All rubbish.
4. Property investment gurus ...sell one HDB buy 2 condo and other rubbish course.
5. Cyrpto currency scams.
(23-11-2021, 05:33 AM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]
[Image: 6Sl0NTa.jpg]

Singapore trained and produced a lot of such people

It's a common nesting ground
Guru teach how to make money in Chinese not so aggressive run away people money...
What can police do if run to Australia and become a PR there don't come back ?
How about those course peddling python and cobra and anaconda programming languages? Answer mcq and get a cert and money Big Grin
Own up, who lost money here? Laughing
so he waited until pap open travel coridor
then run road
(23-11-2021, 07:26 AM)singaporean1964 Wrote: [ -> ]so he waited until pap open travel coridor
then run road

I think he run road using VTL
B kind to him.
Many many are found in such time of tribulation
Many many cannot describe the many
u might get a shock u are the only one not in the know.
(23-11-2021, 07:27 AM)singlon Wrote: [ -> ]B kind to him.
Many many are found in such time of tribulation
Many many cannot describe the many
u might get a shock u are the only one not in the know.

Can u write proper English with logic ??
Course peddler who claim he can teach you to own "many properties" with little capital down

[Image: nFn5RKa.jpg]
Con man operated under the radar and appear on Alert List of MAS in July 2021

[Image: lRBMmbt.jpg]
(23-11-2021, 05:34 AM)Scythian Wrote: [ -> ]He's holding a MDA ie 
Master of Disappearing Act

From university of supercon artist
Guy should have just stuck to selling courses as there is no shortage of Singaporeans who think they can learn something useful from these courses.

Suddenly realised that a lot of food areas also closed.
MAS is always behind the curve. You wait until the scam alert list come out, the scammer already run road long ago before MAS will publish the list Laughing
(23-11-2021, 07:39 AM)Niubee Wrote: [ -> ]Can u write proper English with logic ??

Cannot. Queen has died yet was not revealed.
After this incident is over, there will be another batch of Gurus, nothing to something. Coming in next year. The Power of Gearing.
(23-11-2021, 08:58 AM)theold Wrote: [ -> ]Suddenly realised that a lot of food areas also closed.

The stillness is deafening yet the eyes refuses to see.
Actually the dumb deserve to lose their money. Not rocket science.
[Image: Screenshot-2021-11-23-at-09-18-31-cirstenw2.png]

All will say it is England correct but is IT?
U are funded and u default?

Green Bond early christmas comes to Singapore
wake up yet?
(23-11-2021, 05:52 AM)p1acebo Wrote: [ -> ]How about those course peddling python and cobra and anaconda programming languages?  Answer mcq and get a cert and money Big Grin

how about those $20/8hr emba youtube courses? are they aso scams? 

last time sgtalk laughingcok said he collected many but still jobless
(23-11-2021, 08:17 AM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]Guy should have just stuck to selling courses as there is no shortage of Singaporeans who think they can learn something useful from these courses.

All these kumgongs are crooks like Jerome, or else why never realis this scam?
(23-11-2021, 09:34 AM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote: [ -> ]how about those $20/8hr emba youtube courses? are they aso scams? 

last time sgtalk laughingcok said he collected many but still jobless

I signed up for Coursera...excellent.and low cost can learn many things.
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