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"Worse than COVID': Bukit Merah hawkers say business badly hit after reports of tuberculosis cases

Mandatory screening for tuberculosis in the Bukit Merah area began on Jan 11 after several active cases were detected there"
got to define correctly
white lungs or TB
[Image: Screenshot-2024-01-20-at-05-04-42-SNIFF-SNIFF.png]
TB killing hawker centre biz..

Stall owners should seek Govt compensations for loss of income.

Rental rebate for one year.
(20-01-2024, 05:53 AM)Scythian Wrote: [ -> ].
TB killing hawker centre biz..

Stall owners should seek Govt compensations for loss of income.

Rental rebate for one year.

Becoz MOH inefficiency to control the spreading of TB in Singapore over the past years.
(20-01-2024, 03:50 AM)Scythian Wrote: [ -> ]"Worse than COVID': Bukit Merah hawkers say business badly hit after reports of tuberculosis cases

Mandatory screening for tuberculosis in the Bukit Merah area began on Jan 11 after several active cases were detected there"

Who dares to go there when got TB leh? Thinking TB can die one leh!
(20-01-2024, 06:02 AM)cheekopekman Wrote: [ -> ]Who dares to go there when got TB leh? Thinking TB can die one leh!

"The death rate for untreated TB is high (about 50%), and therefore the impact of reduced case detection on TB mortality is severe and noticeable within a short time period."
(20-01-2024, 06:12 AM)Scythian Wrote: [ -> ]"The death rate for untreated TB is high (about 50%), and therefore the impact of reduced case detection on TB mortality is severe and noticeable within a short time period."

Got people died of TB in my relatives so I know lah! Big Grin
TB is due to reali poor and dirty condition
toxins accumulated in said bodies
white lungs r covid related radiation related not same.
given the above singlion thinks Toxins come from vaccines.
no scare no scare go eat no problem
u can invite singlion go chiat of cos u pay
singlion ever takCare of a relative with untreated TB
noone said abt it. Had to go for x-ray negative.
end of life lungs moved up and down ever so slowly
singlion was at Pulau seraya had to take a boat.
funny when i took off the sheet he had a smiling face for me
like thanking me for the care.
singlion was the one who threw his ash into the sea
b4 sinking in a plastic bag it refused to sink until singlion said I had to go now.
TB is spread through coughing and cough droplets in the air! ….. in the MRT many bastards are coughing and they don’t bother to cover their mouths!
Good...a lesson for the hawkers not to be rude and cocky.
And a reminder for the hawks to treat their customers with respect and courteously.

Without customers,  they go and eat grass with sky juice.
They really deserved it. Many hawkers there never wear mask. Heard got one stall hawker got TB. And those stubborn uncles walking around in that hawker ctr coughing and not wearing mask.
(20-01-2024, 10:29 AM)YummyKing Wrote: [ -> ]WEAR THE FU.CKING MASK LA!!!
TB is spread through coughing and cough droplets in the air! ….. in the MRT many bastards are coughing and they don’t bother to cover their mouths!

Many people still never wear masks leh! Big Grin Some wear masks but underneath their chins lah!
(20-01-2024, 05:57 AM)Scythian Wrote: [ -> ]Becoz MOH inefficiency to control the spreading of TB in Singapore over the past years.

Gov failed to ensure TB free during import of FT hence resulting in the wide spread now.
(20-01-2024, 11:25 AM)cheekopekman Wrote: [ -> ]Many people still never wear masks leh! Big Grin Some wear masks but underneath their chins lah!

not correct as a talisman at the elbow
Heard from relatives living there already few persons in his block died of TB in the past 2 years
Yes TB can kill why go ABC HC leh; Queenstown and Ikea also many things to eat and cheap too !!
(20-01-2024, 11:25 AM)cheekopekman Wrote: [ -> ]Many people still never wear masks leh! Big Grin Some wear masks but underneath their chins lah!
They did this just to be ready in case NEA strike anytime.
(20-01-2024, 03:50 AM)Scythian Wrote: [ -> ]"Worse than COVID': Bukit Merah hawkers say business badly hit after reports of tuberculosis cases

Mandatory screening for tuberculosis in the Bukit Merah area began on Jan 11 after several active cases were detected there"
Better avoid. One guy I know said her wife kana tb after visit the food centre eat rojak there. 
Go there at yr own risk.
Suspect the hawker there got tb n spread to customer.
Economic noodles still selling very good at abc market...always long queue....
Sadly the wanton mee stall run by the 2 sisters die down alot....last time $2.50 one plate currently $ more queue no more customers!
(20-01-2024, 10:44 AM)Gemstar Wrote: [ -> ]They really deserved it. Many hawkers there never wear mask. Heard got one stall hawker got TB. And those stubborn uncles walking around in that hawker ctr coughing and not wearing mask.

Thought hawker still must put on mask? So they are really asking for it. Also wonder what’s so special about this hawker that those eat too full MPs going there to show support. Really hope they got the TB especially the cancer patient, really is no die also no use.
sign of the time
kopi stalls quittings later CDCV stop 2025
eat zzzBugs time slum foods time like those on CNA
no say singlion no share infor.
programmed Cash coming urCash vanished
Actually the surrounding blocks are damn dirty. The town council not not their job to keep the place clean.
never meh meh pak latest mRNA vaccine then is worse than covid...

tio bo mRNA fanbois and pro vaxxers? Tongue