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Full Version: Marcus Chin wants to tell you these
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The pay must be so good he can afford to do this and still enjoy his life.

If only he knows how to be handsome (see placebo post) or at least wipe clean mouth after eating out...
Old news .... if this is even news
Why does he want to air his dirty linen in public? no one is interested in watching nor listening.
Others can learn an expensive lesson free from his experience.
I thought he mentioned he earned like more than 20k a month, so even after paying the alimony should still have plenty to buy a house. Something's amiss here.
Think Marcus chin must be proud of his "achievements" by revealing his eca to the public. This man is a wastrel, good fir nothing but enjoyment. He is 67 years old not 6 or 7 years old.
Lesson learnt is dun buy the cow when milk is free. He sibeh jialat because he bought 2 cows........... Rolleyes
I wouldn't judge him.
Such matters of the heart happens and marriages do breakdown...People become attracted to others.

He did support his wife throughout despite the breakup ...for last 10yrs. He did not neglect his financial responsibility.

Also, I think his situation is made worse by him being a celebrity and in Singapore people are not so understanding on human moral failings like Jack Neo.

Humans are not perfect and don't consider such imperfections as a big deal but rather common.
After all 30% of marriages here  end in divorce....and an estimated 60% live with spouses they hate or dislike just to stay in marriage and avoid divorce...and avoid shame.

You have only one life. It is too difficult to expect people to stay in relationships that have broken down.

I just find alot of the condemnation filled with hypocrisy.
(23-11-2021, 12:32 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote: [ -> ]I thought he mentioned he earned like more than 20k a month, so even after paying the alimony should still have plenty to buy a house. Something's amiss here.

Actually he has a lot of talents.
Woman's Charter sibei jialat Laughing
(23-11-2021, 01:31 PM)dynamite Wrote: [ -> ]Actually he has a lot of talents.

He left his wife because of the young girlfriend who later became the second wife.  The second wife must have seen him supporting his ex wife.  So as long as she doesnt re-marry, she can divorce him, have fun with a younger guy, and he still has to take LL care of her and the baby.  Shiok Shiok gao jurong Big Grin
Wow, wife got no kid but gets $4k. GF with kid to feed gets only $1k. And this shorty got the nerve to reveal this on TV. I pity both women who met this asshole.
(23-11-2021, 03:05 PM)starbugs Wrote: [ -> ]Wow, wife got no kid but gets $4k. GF with kid to feed gets only $1k. And this shorty got the nerve to reveal this on TV. I pity both women who met this asshole.

I'll pay the same proportion if I'm him. First, he let down his wife who has been with him for so long, and second, Malaysia's living expenses quite low.
This short ass is a talent lah. Can talk, sing, host, act. Quite a funny guy.
(23-11-2021, 12:45 PM)Huliwang Wrote: [ -> ]Lesson learnt is dun buy the cow when milk is free. He sibeh jialat because he bought 2 cows........... Rolleyes

Why buy books when you can go to a library....? Laughing
(23-11-2021, 04:42 PM)RichDad Wrote: [ -> ]This short ass is a talent lah. Can talk, sing, host, act. Quite a funny guy.

He is way more talented than some current TCS popular all combined together.
(23-11-2021, 05:06 PM)dynamite Wrote: [ -> ]He is way more talented than some current TCS popular all combined together.
Agreed but unfortunately marcus chin got not much grey matter in his head.
(23-11-2021, 06:16 PM)Great Wrote: [ -> ]Agreed but unfortunately marcus chin got not much grey matter in his head.

He is just bad in managing his money.
Marcus is very talented and intelligent with a gift of the gab. He would have been very well off and successful if his big head don't let his small head ran amok with women...... Big Grin
(23-11-2021, 06:18 PM)dynamite Wrote: [ -> ]He is just bad in managing his money.

He totally did not manage his money at all.
In 1970s he was making 20+K a month. He could have bought a property every few months but he just spent it all away....
This is not unique to him but many celebrities and sports man follow same pattern...

Young people should always learn from ghe old so as to not repeat the mistakes.
Time to visit dotter up north
(23-11-2021, 06:18 PM)dynamite Wrote: [ -> ]He is just bad in managing his money.
Marcus chin is a fool so say the popular proverb "A fool and his money are soon parted" in his case  I rate him an idiot.
(23-11-2021, 07:41 PM)Great Wrote: [ -> ]Marcus chin is a fool so say the popular proverb "A fool and his money are soon parted" in his case  I rate him an idiot.

For Marcus Chin, women is his downfall, channeled all his money into a 'manhole'.. crying