SG Talk

Full Version: my friend who ish a boss asked me how to deal with his 2 employees..
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A  who ish supposed to cut deals, kenna caught chummy with the rich client.
The client offered his private collection of cars to be used as A's personal Grab. Can pick and choose anytime to go anywhere sibei song song... A then proceeded to accept client's deal... Boss friend finds it fishy as the deal end up not that great.....

The other B, always hogging the company car.
Turns out he was using the company car to do extra stuff like send his wife to her manicure, send the kids to school, send the maid to the market, drive out to go golfing. 
Then the car need to keep sending for maintenance at company's expenses...
Turns out B has his own car, dunwant to use.
Even turns out he has been trying to rent out his own personal car to earn some moolah....

Boss friend ish very troubled and headache got this type of employees...

which one should he fix?