SG Talk

Full Version: Mysteries of Nature (due to WhineBig's stupidity)!!
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Why all dogs like to sniff trees or lampposts and select one to spray on? Dont they all look the same??

Why so many birds, stray cats, dogs but you cant find their carcasses in publicly accessible places after they died? Especially birds, they dont fall from sky and I am sure there are millions of birds, where they go to die? Where are their cemetaries?

Can dogs and cats and chimps recognise their own reflection in the mirror?

Why crows are so smart? Why elephants are also so smart?

How cum PAP and their porlumpars so shameless? Especially faggots WhineBig and Oxy?

How cum LW's mouth look like a pig's mouth? So disgustinly ugly!

And the list goes on.....and on and on..