SG Talk

Full Version: if Ecclestone are not investigated, will iswaran be found out?
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Britain’s tax authority charged Ecclestone for tax evasion leading to Ong Beng Seng claims which leads to Iswaran

just curious, are there more MP and ministers with similar situations not charged because no foreign government trigger the investigations?
maybe yes maybe no.
You can do anything but dun be caught
A year before Iswaran kenna caught... Big Grin
meaning if Iswaran got more than 12months jail, his citizenship will be stripped and deported back to Tamil?

Naturalised citizens may also be stripped of citizenship for: fraduently acquiring it, committing an act of disloyalty against the state, aiding an enemy nation with which Singapore is at war, serving in any capacity for a foreign government, being sentenced to incarceration for longer than 12 months in any jurisdiction or fined US$5,000 for any offence within five years of acquiring citizenship.[18]