SG Talk

Full Version: Clown Kin Lian loves SimplyGo woh!
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TKL is entitled to his opinion, no need to be critical of him.
he deserves to be criticized till his pants drop!
(24-01-2024, 10:29 PM)pinkypanther Wrote: [ -> ][Image: BN8oiWh.png]
Lucky i did not vote for this clown,,

why not throw him to the lion at the zoo..

he talk too much..
(25-01-2024, 12:29 AM)Blasterlord2 Wrote: [ -> ]TKL is entitled to his opinion, no need to be critical of him.

walau , u support him,, we shd throw u together with him to the lion at the zoo...  Smile
No one is imperfect but I am angry with his ignorance yet talk a lot for the sake of talking .
No warning on your card for low value in the end have to pay cash that much more than what you pay on card.
Of course it is not an issue with him. He is a multi-millionaire!
once a crown forever a crown.
He didn't say he love
He said it us satisfactory ....don't put words in other mouth.