SG Talk

Full Version: mainstream media dare not tell u that king charles has been run road(ed)...
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With that big picture in mind, let us look at how the war against Satan is now raging. The biggest and most unreported news of the past week was that King Charles had abdicated the throne of England. The story being put out is that he is undergoing prostate surgery (just like US “Defense Secretary” Lloyd Austin). It also turns out Crown Prince William will not be taking over because his wife Kate Middleton underwent a “planned abdominal surgery.”

Remember, Charles claimed the throne exactly 6 months, 6 weeks and 6 days after his mother Queen Elizabeth II was murdered, according to MI6. This means he openly declared his allegiance to Satan. He had to because those loyal to Satan must have horrific crimes on record so that they can be blackmailed into obedience.

MI6 sources say Charles and Lloyd Austin etc. were removed because they had been planning a horrific false flag event designed to usher in a Satanic dictatorship. This black swan event has thus been averted.
Fake news.

Anyway..not interested. They are royalty there but not here. I don't give a flying fcuk to titles like king, queen, prince, princess, duke.  I see no need to grovel at their feet. Rolleyes
no need

he got it own TV show

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(25-01-2024, 04:58 PM)Oyk Wrote: [ -> ] ang mo kio madafaka
news source is not reliable, more of conspiracy story teller.