wonderful of AI and computer.
How much money must be used for that? Need to increase tax or not?

Walau, LHL will show him on the sky.
Who pays? I hope it is not chenghu behind the scenes footing the exorbitant bill for some stupid extravaganza show.
Got a bad feeling about this....either heavy rain or the shape will look weird...
(26-01-2024, 08:08 AM)webinarian Wrote: [ -> ]
3 parties involved in sponsoring:
Sg Tourism Board, Marina Bay Sand and UOB.
Should be okay lah.
You never know. STB could be sponsoring the bulk of the show expenditure. e.g. STB (80%) MBS (10%) UOB (10%)
They just add in the other 2 entities to deflect any accusuations of extravagant expenditure

(26-01-2024, 07:51 AM)RiseofAsia Wrote: [ -> ]You sure. 上海经的记载,有些已经成真。 
The sentient being, Dragon, is found in the Buddhist text. It is called Naga in Pali. Of course the text does not describe how exactly the dragons look like..
(27-01-2024, 04:03 PM)watchfirst9 Wrote: [ -> ]now add 显龙 into your dictionary 
This is not my dictionary.
It is Chinese legend.
Cannot suka suka add lah.
I only heard of Xian Tang.