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Full Version: Senior lawyer took almost S$480,000 from clients, continued to
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Senior lawyer took almost S$480,000 from clients, continued to act as lawyer after being struck off
(26-01-2024, 06:50 PM)Bigiron Wrote: [ -> ]Senior lawyer took almost S$480,000 from clients, continued to act as lawyer after being struck off 

Lawyers from his ethnic group are known to possess a glib tongue.
studied til became stupid?
ran away with just 480K?
wait til another zero or two and make the glorious leap
It reminds me of a situation I heard about a few years ago. A close friend of mine was involved in a legal battle, and their lawyer turned out to be dishonest. This attorney not only mishandled their case but also took a significant amount of money. It was a devastating experience for my friend, and it shook their trust in the legal system.If you or anyone you know finds themselves in a similar predicament, it's essential to seek the right legal counsel to rectify the situation. Doing thorough research and checking for reviews and recommendations can go a long way in finding a trustworthy lawyer.I also came across this link that could provide some insights on finding reliable legal assistance: