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Full Version: Taiwanese Put Trash inside Bags and Bring Home If Can’t Find a Bin to Throw
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Unlike in Spore there are not so many rubbish bins in the public place in Taiwan.
Are they stupid or not?
Ya, they are as stupid as TS who posted such a Bo liao question.
It's heavy fine for them if they are caught littering, that why
Very inconvenient
(27-01-2024, 12:24 AM)TopSage Wrote: [ -> ]It's heavy fine for them if they are caught littering, that why

We used to be a fine city until 2004?
I learnt from them, too and bring trash home

I have plastic bags in my handbag, lor

So at the end, I stopped grabbing tea, buns . . . .
(27-01-2024, 10:50 AM)Ola Wrote: [ -> ]I learnt from them, too and bring trash home

I have plastic bags in my handbag, lor

So at the end, I stopped grabbing tea, buns . . . .

They learned from Japanese lah.
too many litterbugs here

even so called education peeps, who drive, got good jobs, live in condo....

just disgusting
(26-01-2024, 10:39 PM)LittleBirdStreet Wrote: [ -> ]Unlike in Spore there are not so many rubbish bins in the public place in Taiwan.

Even if you pangsai wipe your backside the dirty toilet paper with your sai must throw inside the rubbish bag and keep at home lah! Big Grin Only when you hear the music from the rubbish uncle then you can quickly put your rubbish bag into his tricycle lah!
(27-01-2024, 11:09 AM)LittleBirdStreet Wrote: [ -> ]They learned from Japanese lah.

They learn to wayang?  Thinking
Actually not all brought their rubbish home. Sometimes they're thrown at some dark corners behind buildings
(27-01-2024, 01:27 PM)cheekopekman Wrote: [ -> ]Even if you pangsai wipe your backside the dirty toilet paper with your sai must throw inside the rubbish bag and keep at home lah! Big Grin Only when you hear the music from the rubbish uncle then you can quickly put your rubbish bag into his tricycle lah!

Wah, are you from Taiwan? You know so well about rubbish collection after dark playing nice ice cream tune
(27-01-2024, 01:35 PM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote: [ -> ]Actually not all brought their rubbish home. Sometimes they're thrown at some dark corners behind buildings

They bring back and sell for money for plastic bottles and cans
(27-01-2024, 01:27 PM)cheekopekman Wrote: [ -> ]Even if you pangsai wipe your backside the dirty toilet paper with your sai must throw inside the rubbish bag and keep at home lah! Big Grin Only when you hear the music from the rubbish uncle then you can quickly put your rubbish bag into his tricycle lah!

[Image: IMG-9823.gif]

[Image: IMG-9824.gif]
(27-01-2024, 01:42 PM)LittleBirdStreet Wrote: [ -> ]Wah, are you from Taiwan? You know so well about rubbish collection after dark playing nice ice cream tune

I ever lived there for a while lah! Big Grin So I support Taiwan Independence lah!
(27-01-2024, 02:48 PM)cheekopekman Wrote: [ -> ]I ever lived there for a while lah! Big Grin So I support Taiwan Independence lah!

Taiwan dare not leh
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台北「垃圾不落地」何時開始? 這答案讓阿扁怒吼:錯了! | 政治 | 三立新聞網

落實垃圾不落地,環保局擴大執法 為維護市容景觀及環境衛生,改變少數民眾將垃圾包放馬路旁或隨意棄置的壞習慣,環保局擴大執法,每天指派稽查人員針對丟置路邊的垃圾破袋稽查,希望民眾配合實施垃圾不落地,切勿再隨意棄置垃圾。 市長黃偉哲說,臺南市

They passed laws in 90s to phasing out common bins, to make people
do sorting before dispose at centralized collector.
(27-01-2024, 03:19 PM)Niubee Wrote: [ -> ]Taiwan dare not leh

They dont want to create trouble with China lah! Big Grin But all know liao lah!
(27-01-2024, 04:47 PM)cheekopekman Wrote: [ -> ]They dont want to create trouble with China lah! Big Grin But all know liao lah!

Tio unification leh
Taiwan homes must be full of thrash and shits. 🤣
(27-01-2024, 05:35 PM)Alice Alicia Wrote: [ -> ]Taiwan homes must be full of thrash and shits. 🤣

No, they put trash in garment authorised trash bags then put outside houses, then bring them down when the garbage truck arrives once every week to throw.