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Full Version: Biden:We will hold all those responsible to account and in a manner our choosing
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"Have no doubt -- we will hold all those responsible to account at a time and in a manner our choosing," Biden said in a statement Sunday.

Later, during an appearance in South Carolina, Biden held a moment of silence for the dead and said, "We shall respond."

Nikki Haley: The former United Nations ambassador and current GOP presidential hopeful said the US should retaliate "with the full force of American strength," following the drone attack.

Donald Trump: The former president, who is making another bid for the White House, said the drone attack "marks a horrible day for America." He also took the opportunity to slam Biden, saying in a social media post that it was "yet another horrific and tragic consequence of Joe Biden’s weakness and surrender."
Well done 👍, Iran.
How come CNA and Straits Times not reporting?