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Full Version: These young Singaporeans are eyeing a career as K-pop idols. What are their odds?
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These young Singaporeans are eyeing a career as K-pop idols. What are their odds?
Misguided children.
This is just a passing fad. No long term occupation/career.
They dun know Korea got a very high suicide rate among the young people?
Power la ... So glam ... So confident ... Can retire by 25
If show juicy meow meow, sure win Big Grin
(29-01-2024, 08:34 AM)red3 Wrote: [ -> ]Power la ... So glam ... So confident ... Can retire by 25

The minority who make it big in K-Pop actually end up with fame and fortune at a relatively young age. I guess for most of these aspiring talents, it is their ticket out of the HDB heartland and a life of slog and uncertainty as a PME in SG if they succeed.
I wonder if Tasha Low sell her meow meow over there Big Grin
Even show meow meow also no guarantee
(29-01-2024, 08:34 AM)red3 Wrote: [ -> ]Power la ... So glam ... So confident ... Can retire by 25

Which SG girl can compete with this kind of standard?

[Image: Girl-4.jpg]

(04-02-2024, 08:46 PM)SeewhatLook Wrote: [ -> ]Even show meow meow also no guarantee
[Image: Girl.jpg]