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Full Version: Why MNCs don't want to Set- up in Malaysia?
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Only 1 hour away from Singapore but Malaysia is 84 vs 121 in ranking

Their salary is cheaper and the office rental is more worth it
1) The Malaysians have the skills but lack accountability and ownership

Previous company-
The Sales Director told the Finance Director to collect the money for a closed and signed project.

Current company-
Sales Executive told all the Depart Head to check her wrong salary and why her expense claim do not add up
2) Malaysia Industrial Relations and Malaysia Labour Law

Lean towards workers even when they are Wrong

And Companies get fined for unjustified reasons

[Image: image?url=https%3A%2F%2Fassets.theedgema...=1920&q=75]
4) Poor Work Ethics in their people

Corruption is rampant

Even that Malaysian with Fake NTU Degree is far from our standards

and do not know what is right or wrong
need to install their own people as bosses/board