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The Seven Deadly Dilemmas

1. The Tragedy of the Commons, which is logically equivalent to a series of Prisoner’s Dilemmas played out between different pairs of people in a group.

2. The Free Rider problem (a variant of the Tragedy of the Commons), which arises when people take advantage of a community resource without contributing to it.

3.Chicken (also known as Brinkmanship), in which each side
tries to push the other as close to the edge as they can, with each hoping that the other will back down first. It can
arise in situations ranging from someone trying to push into a line of traffic to confrontations between nations that could lead to war, and that sometimes do.

4.The Volunteer’s Dilemma, in which someone must make a sacrifice on behalf of the group, but if no one does, then everyone loses out. Each person hopes that someone else will be the one to make the sacrifice, which could be as trivial as making the effort to put the garbage out or as dramatic as one person sacrificing his or her life to save others.

5.The Battle of the Sexes, in which two people have different preferences, such as a husband who wants to go to a ball
game while his wife would prefer to go to a movie. The catch is that each would rather share the other’s company
than pursue their own preference alone.

6.Stag Hunt, in which cooperation between members of a group gives them a good chance of success in a risky, high return venture, but an individual can win a guaranteed but lower reward by breaking the cooperation and going it

7.The prisoner dilemma is a paradox in decision analysis in which two individuals acting in their own self-interests do not produce the optimal outcome
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