SG Talk

Full Version: China and HK stocks complete 6 .consecutive losing months
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[Image: WvEceC5.jpg]
How cum you dun cut and get lost? Hua med drops so much still hold?
the charts do not look gd
Bottom is near..10k..then 8k.. then bottom..and bottom
(31-01-2024, 07:14 PM)Sharexchange Wrote: [ -> ]Bottom is near..10k..then 8k.. then bottom..and bottom

look at 14500 first then see
what and how USD$46 million Government loan can do? Borrowers buy a few apartment units. Some more, loans only for State-backed companies.
[Image: sE_1gAqIIc8K0pclUlj5urnlp-EhlzR-RMIs3INZ...lZYQx1i9VY]
Evergrande Debt is $328,000,000,000 ..excuse me....hahahaha
(31-01-2024, 09:48 PM)Sharexchange Wrote: [ -> ]Evergrande Debt is $328,000,000,000 ..excuse me....hahahaha

really the world greatest ponzi scheme