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Full Version: Taylor Swift is Jesus
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[Image: taylor-swift.jpg]
Jesus donated so much money meh?
(05-02-2024, 05:30 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: [ -> ]Smile
[Image: taylor-swift.jpg]

Walau. Taylor is Jesus. Then LW is god of prosperity or poverty.
(05-02-2024, 06:14 PM)RichDad Wrote: [ -> ]Jesus donated so much money meh?

Don’t talk so much. Wait he donate tsunami n earthquake u don’t cry.
(05-02-2024, 07:53 PM)victortan Wrote: [ -> ]Don’t talk so much. Wait he donate tsunami n earthquake u don’t cry.

Then I die, you die, all die. Cry what?
fark you lah

jesus has no bank account
(05-02-2024, 05:30 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: [ -> ]Smile
[Image: taylor-swift.jpg]

Jesus is a man, are u trying to disgrace Jesus. how can compare Jesus to Taylor. Taylor is a chiobu.. Unless u are trying to say that Jesus is a gay.. That is a great sin...

If Taylor is Jesus, then Lawrence Wong is a Tua Pek Kong... Tongue
(05-02-2024, 09:10 PM)grotesqueness Wrote: [ -> ]fark you lah

jesus has no bank account

Jesus got miracle, dont need cheque.. just say and it will be done..Yamen,
(05-02-2024, 05:30 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: [ -> ]Smile
[Image: taylor-swift.jpg]

Burt no joke, This Woman is great, She donated generously,, She is very Kind, 

May she have a long and happy life.
(05-02-2024, 10:21 PM)victortan Wrote: [ -> ]Burt no joke, This Woman is great, She donated generously,, She is very Kind, 

May she have a long and happy life.

yea, at least she donated a lot despite she is rich.