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Full Version: Tucker Carlson BANNED From Re-Entering USA For Interviewing Putin
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Worse than north Korea.
That's called DEMOCRACY. 
Say one thing do another.
I Declared Communist USA Clapping Laughing
The west becomes more and more like dictator liao lah
(06-02-2024, 01:06 PM)Migrant Wrote: [ -> ]That's called DEMOCRACY. 
Say one thing do another.

Freedom to ban!  Rotfl
Behave exactly like the usual suspects in edmw... Tongue

Only fools will believe and condone them... Tongue
lol america ish a free country
There are sanctions in place so he cannot go to Russia to conduct business

He is not banned from coming home ...he can come home and be arrested for breaking the law.

They same type of laws exists in all countries.
(07-02-2024, 06:27 AM)twinkle07 Wrote: [ -> ]

Piece of bullshit 

1. Western media lies ..he forget he was from Fox news he was also lying?

2. The war is costly ...but it was started by Putin...if Putin continues to allowed to continue his aggression he would threaten rest of Europe.

3. Tucker Carlsom never informs people. He sells a point of view. 

The real reason he is in Russia is to undermine the left and the democratic party like he has done all his sabotage Biden. He is willing to go to  Putin a man who points thousands of nuclear missiles at US and would destroy America if he gets the chance. Tucker Carlson agenda is not the interest of American people but that of teh right wing.

To prevent Putin from further aggression is not easy and is costly. But if you don't do it, the situation will become more dangerous. Obama made a mistake letting Russia take Crimea which embolden Putin to attack Ukraine resulting in the current situation.

Tucker Calson is there to undermine Biden and cause USA and its allies to lose an important strategic war that will result in power shift in favor of Russia. Something that US enemies want.

He is a traitor.
Similar to me going back Fuckwarezone... Rotfl
PUTIN is my idol

ROFLMAO can suck my dog's dick

His dotter can suck mine

His wife let the Banglas take care

Interview putin nia can lose war one ah.... Tongue

Thought ukraine ish winning?

Might as well interview biden so can surround moscow... Tongue
That is why people say US is worse than communist countries. Many foreigners can go to North Korea, including Singaporean.