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Jimmy Ng was a finance and audit person all along, so how did he become the chief information officer of DBS? Does he really know about technology?

No wonder all the engineers don't want to be engineers liao.
[Image: images-6.jpg]
(25-11-2021, 10:31 AM)Blasterlord2 Wrote: [ -> ]Jimmy Ng was a finance and audit person all along, so how did he become the chief information officer of DBS? Does he really know about technology?

No wonder all the engineers don't want to be engineers liao.
Same la for all our ministers!
Like Japan's cybersecurity minister, who admits he has never used a computer. Seriously, can he handle his role if he doesn't know what is a USB drive?
All the JLBs in the Gov
he may become the scapegoat to resign for the 2 downtime incidents in 2021
As head regardkess of background, he shd jolly b clever smart to source the best IT personnel from the world at large to work for him ....this is not a kucing kurap bank, the best in tbe entite world , can pay millions for top people .

Silly stupid too late, likely to b sacked
Without sufficient knowledge in ICT, can be "sian" easily by suppliers and 3rd party engineering contractors as well as ICT staff members working under him.
Taking example from the very top. Her background was previously HR director in statboard. Now the very top govt official on IT and cybersecurity.. Go figure 

From Wikipedia:

Quote:Josephine Teo Li Min née Yong is a Singaporean politician who has been serving as Minister for Communications and Information since 2021, and Minister-in-charge of the Cyber Security Agency and Smart Nation Initiative and Second Minister for Home Affairs since 2017.
when the whole of govt IT got hacked n stop working,who then is the scape goat ?
(25-11-2021, 10:42 AM)dynamite Wrote: [ -> ][Image: images-6.jpg]

This actor always act as a chee ko peh.....
(25-11-2021, 02:10 PM)debono Wrote: [ -> ]This actor always act as a chee ko peh.....

He is 张智霖's uncle leh.
Bumping up this thread. Same as OCBC, the top guy in charge of IT in DBS is non-technical. And what do we expect? The CE of CSA is an ex-signal officer. Don't need to be IT-savvy one.
(25-11-2021, 11:12 AM)talky Wrote: [ -> ]LEARNT FROM PAP

Are you sure you didn't missed out the word NO?? The recent batch of Health Ministers, all no medical background.

The closest is Ah Khaw, at least started his career with MOH, then to the govt hospital, ie he is from healthcare sector/industry.
(25-11-2021, 10:31 AM)Blasterlord2 Wrote: [ -> ]Jimmy Ng was a finance and audit person all along, so how did he become the chief information officer of DBS? Does he really know about technology?

No wonder all the engineers don't want to be engineers liao.

Don't tell me my Uncle spot it again , got one time chit chat about DBS last year system break down. MAS tell DBS report explain till now no update to us as Clients , end user in DBS.
My Uncle shake head told me " maybe sweep under carpet, own people , gang "