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Full Version: COE prices dip for all categories except buses, goods vehicles
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changes from ice commercial vehicle to battery ev.
battery ev is not a good solutions yet especially for those heavy vehicle. more energy needed, more battery needed. more dumb weight need to carry. more time need to charge. when battery efficiency goes down, more cost to replace.

battery ev most viable for bicycle, motor bikes. car is actually not so viable yet. if battery ev caught fire it will be difficult to extinguish.

for heavy vehicle got to go for hydrogen fuel cell ev. bottle neck is hydrogen.
traffic jam on the road can be reduced by focus to reduce jam. constanly effort, continouse improvement.

activiities like road work has to be done, safety very much needed. additionl blocking measure that has little to no effect of safety needs to be reviewed and removed.

building works off the road should not be allow to block 1 or even 3 lanes to facilitate the building. if needed they can always block at night time after busy hours.

the road users has no mouth ans is being bully by all kinds of work that is not related to road.

example gardening on high way is good and needed. really need more improvements to reduce road jam due to these gardening acitivities. singapore has one of most beautify highway with well trim trees. so beautiful like bonsai. tpb got can highlight to gain tourist attention. the price government paid to gardinging is high. the price road users paid even higher. count the number of car jam number of man hours lost etc. alsot he number accidents indirectly cause. accident along the high way due to gardening , road works cause by these are not recorded against these. mom has a good number but the road users, insurance co paid. more jam hours lost.
look at pcb board can these be design with gates ton allow division used of path by time?

no division by time so they move very quickly.

likely wise our road are jam, pedestrian are killed because we mixed them up.

if we build bridges at junctions, more seamless design at expressway junctions. there will be lesser jammed.
if we keep pedestrian walk path off road there will be much lesser people killed on the road.

finds ways to cut cost to build the necessary. current way is not the way to go in long term.
road designer design to solve their problem. example building express way long way round an estate instead of the shortest path. is a compromised to reduce complain , serious waste on fuel and time for road users. think about it. kpe is one of best build expressway. good example of how to make a distance town more attractive.
bidding for my new lambo now.
seldom heard of pedestrian hit on kpe. think is because most part of kpe is not mix with pedestrian traffic.
no pedestrian on kpe no accident with pedestrian