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Full Version: Today wet market & Hawker centre open till tomorrow?
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Still can get food at hawker centre at 2300hrs?
Now Many go to supermarkets
Market no biz so closes early maybe
(08-02-2024, 05:21 PM)Bigiron Wrote: [ -> ]Still can get food at hawker centre at 2300hrs?


only if you buy in bulk

no a la carte order
My mum said the long term ah-pei selling pork

suddenly died 2mths ago

So, she does not need me to come along to help carry
Depend, which wet market. Chinatown one even now a days they don't open till tomorrow.

My side here some already close tomorrow morning some will open for a while than come afternoon close.

Yea back in good old days , every wet market will sell till tomorrow afternoon than close.
Tonight all shutting down liao
Sheng Siong 24/7.. i just go there to buy. CNY open.
(08-02-2024, 05:21 PM)Bigiron Wrote: [ -> ]Still can get food at hawker centre at 2300hrs?

I think most Chinese stalls closed liao lah! Big Grin Reopen on Wednesday lah!