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Full Version: Tucker Carlson interviews Vladimir Putin
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After the fall of the Roman Empire...
Please post the consolidated transcript from Nury Vittachi
Jialat riao...

Sure gotch peepur notch happy riao... Tongue

Need to censor Russian propaganda lololololol.... Tongue
Putin first qn was why invade Ukraine.

He answer half an hour
His ans is historicaly Ukraine and Russia are one...Carlson then ask is it because Putin is afraid West will attack Russia so be makes first move. Putin said no.

Basically Putin has no good answer for why he invaded Ukraine. Ukraine is a sovereign nation.

In the 1990s Ukraine gave up all it's nuclear weapons and move asenals to Russia. The west assured Ukraine it would be safe without the nuclear weapons however Russia betrayed Ukraine....and west is obligated to step in to fulfil it's promise.

Bloody long interview and the basic question Putin cannot ans and Carlson failed to press him.