SG Talk

Full Version: Jialat with Xi's China rapid falling birthrate, Teacher iron rice bowl also cracking
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Don't laugh. 

Sg also facing same problem!
Ermaos more concerned about china than sg

Later mama cooks and eat full liao can continue to worry about china
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[Image: 220px-People%27s_commune_canteen.jpg]

老毛 days at least got free 大锅饭 to makan !  crying

3 days way the ultimate amdk arse lickers stooge’s you don't know meh China 1.4B times better than your daddies cuntry hor LMAO

[Image: Screenshot-20240202-130947.jpg]
(19-05-2024, 05:32 PM)Purikura Wrote: [ -> ]Many ah tiongs are jobless and very poor.

Third world china economy is sinking to their death. No wonder wumaos not happy LOLOLOLOL!

same script crying
Many ah tiongs are jobless and very poor.

Third world china economy is sinking to their death. No wonder wumaos not happy LOLOLOLOL!
Ahbutt pukimak found high pay job today? Tomorrow try again