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So few Chinese travellers visited Singapore in 2023 :
What to see in Singapore?

"Pre-pandemic, China was one of Southeast Asia's fastest growing feeder markets, and Singapore's largest. But visitor arrivals from China to Singapore totalled just over 1.4 million in 2023, according to the Singapore Tourism Board's numbers released earlier this month, down from 3.6 million in 2019.
3 days ago"

A drop in the ocean
SGP all concrete jungle nothing to see, come for what?
(14-02-2024, 08:14 AM)K88 shu shu Wrote: [ -> ]SGP all concrete jungle nothing to see, come for what?

Come to step foot on the most successful country without any natural resources in the WWW...and get inspired!!A Lot of #1 or TOP tiers in the world ranking ,right?Must "Ta ka" at least once in their lifetime..YOLO !!LOL!!Crazy Rich Asian country mah!!
Give promotions to attract tourists loh
Normally tourists enroute to other countries via sgp.
They don't just come to sgp.
China itself is such a big country. Travel in China may take life time. Which fools still want to come expensive Sg. Come here 1x can travel to China 5places.
(14-02-2024, 10:14 AM)Lukongsimi Wrote: [ -> ]Give promotions to attract tourists loh

It is not going to work if things are getting more expensive…nowadays KL and Bangkok have much bigger malls with everything Spore can offer and much cheaper. Whatever tourists  can get in Spore they can get in these cities in ASEAN, however things what these cities have Spore doesn’t have and can’t match. How do I know that? I visited KL and Bangkok recently and I was shocked how much they have progressed and Spore is leaving behind, I am 200% sure that nobody wants to come here anymore.