SG Talk

Full Version: Putin raise conscription age by 20yrs - calling his father's army to fight
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He did not have to invade Ukraine.
He has a massive nuclear arsenal yet claims to be under threat which is rubbish.

American reporter asked him why invade Ukraine. He spoke for half an hour but his claims that Ukraine historically belong to Russia debunked.

So how many Russians have to die for his folly.

He should stop his illegal invasion now.
Don't underestimate the 'strategic power' of US.
There are reasons why Putin invaded Ukraine. Please watch some invasion analysis, regarding NATO in youtube
Only 'mad' country leader will use nuclear arsenal to destroy a country. The consequence is a disaster
(14-02-2024, 06:25 AM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]

sgbutt keeps on reading western fake news. because they have a good reputations for a long time so distributing fake news by them is fine.
[Image: IMG-20240116-WA0003.jpg]

Ahbutt the ultimate amdk arse lickers stooge’s your daddies will reward you busload of cum LOL LOL