SG Talk

Full Version: US so many people but only can find Trump and Biden to lead?
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2 old men. One a crazy criminal indicted for rape fraud insurrection etc analysed by psychologists to have narcissistic traits ..the other guy is appears to be senile and has 50% of dying while in office given his age.

Incredibly besides these 2 old men nobody else can garner enough support to win the election. 

Today there are 2 ongoing wars, climate challenges, unstable geo political situation, and the world's biggest economy will be lead by one of these 2.
That is your beloved democracy!  Rotfl
Can’t you see both of them print the record amount of debt in US history.
That shows the quality of the US people!
It’s like Singapore leadership.

Nobody wants to lead because anyone who leads will tio complain and kowpeh until sibei jialat.
in SGP we see the same ppl in the parliament yr after yr.