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Full Version: Project Vax
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Big pharma Pfizer wants to protect you, like forever.
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how come time and time again already proven mRNAas toxic
still got the audacity to come out and push the deadly vaccine
hahahahaha.... Tongue

Pro mRNA and pro Vaxxers here's your chance to GPGT your latest mRNA jab! Tongue

Protect what matters! Tongue

Protect your bragging rights! Tongue
Medical Hub with die-hard fans from above and below.

We are with you from birth till death.
(16-02-2024, 05:02 PM)singaporean1964 Wrote: [ -> ]how come time and time again already proven mRNAas toxic
still got the audacity to come out and push the deadly vaccine

Humans test subjects very hard to recruit one. So use forced one is cheaper and easier
They're always daft ppl around. Just look at the number of scam cases and total amounts involved.
[Image: photo-2024-02-16-22-47-05.jpg]

(17-02-2024, 11:02 PM)Obamao Wrote: [ -> ]


No excuses for mRNA vaccine fanbois and pro vaxxers now!  Tongue

they are not smarter than all the health authorities combined! Tongue