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Full Version: Two lawyers have been found guilty of attempting to obstruct the course
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Two lawyers have been found guilty of attempting to obstruct the course of justice after one of them, a former CNB officer, alerted members of an illegal cigarette syndicate to destroy evidence.

Here’s how one WhatsApp message led to their convictions:
Lawyer guilty vs minister guilty… which one more sensational?
they watch too many 007 movies
Lawyer like vy lousy occupation. Always hear them run away with client money n so on. 

Useless to study law. Study finance better prospect.
Hey, it's definitely shocking to hear about lawyers involved in obstructing justice. Both cases - a lawyer and a minister being found guilty - are sensational in their own right. It's disheartening when individuals entrusted with upholding the law are found to be breaking it instead.
If you're looking for more insights or advice on legal matters, consulting with a criminal defense lawyer could provide valuable perspective. They can help navigate complex situations like these and offer guidance on the best course of action. Hang in there, and stay informed.