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Full Version: World slams US ceasefire veto at UN Security Council on Israel’s Gaza war
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US greenlight to shoot and bomb instead of ceasefire?
War war war, that's what they want. 
What goes around will come around. 
US will pay for their evil deeds.

[Image: IMG-0705.jpg]
That Israehell bastard even hv the cheek to single out China asking China to talk to Hamas to release that Chinese born IDF soldier who has stage 4 cancer

Hey, she is an Israehell soldier, not Chinese citizen anymore, wake up his farking idea
(21-02-2024, 05:21 PM)red3 Wrote: [ -> ]US greenlight to shoot and bomb instead of ceasefire?

they are drowning in their national debt.  interest payment in hundreds if millions. more then some country gdp.
what they need is austerity measures to try pull out of debt rather then war to create demand.
war to keep attention away and force money to usd for safety will eventually failed.